Posts tagged ‘College’

I’ll Rock Your Socks Off

So, here’s how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend your cool…

1.Opening Credits: Livin’ on the Edge-Aerosmith
2.Waking Up: (I hate) Everything About You – Three Days Grace (hahahahahaha)
3.First day of School: Gone Till November-Wyclef

4.Falling in Loving: Be My Escape – Relient K

5.Fight Song: Just Dance – Lady GaGa (hahaha)

6.Breaking Up: Shut up and Drive – Rihanna (this is priceless)

7.Prom: Child of Dust – Thrice (hmm)

8.Life: Warmer Climate – snow patrol (ehh)

9.Mental Breakdown: Kill Me Quickly – Thirce (this is really working out)

10.Driving: Look what you have done – Jet (don’t know how I feel about that)

11.Flashback: Wild thing – Jimi Hendrix (this is CRAZY funny)

12.Wedding: 1985 – Bowling for Soup (only proof that you should clean out your itunes before playing this game)

14.Final Battle: Red Blooded Woman – Kylie Minogue

15.Death Scene: the One that you hated – early November (well that makes me sad)

16.Funeral Song: Stranded – Man Overboard – Blink 182

17.End Credit: Rock This Town – Brantley Gilbert (way to end on country)

February 13, 2009 at 5:48 pm Leave a comment

work in progress

Here recently I have been trying to figure out what it is that I deem to be important traits in my friends…

Almost a sort of priority…what is more important loyalty or honestly above all else? What things do I value most? I don’t know yet but I am working on it.

Trust – I think this is still the first one on the list, which I find particularly difficult because I can’t be trusted. I’m just, well their is no excuse, I just like to have too much fun sometimes at the expense of others feelings. I think of it as “putting myself first” or “looking out for me.” Mean things always seem not so bad in the moment. I know that I have been an unfaithful person, yet trust is still a big thing for me. I hate double standards and here I am creating a huge one. I suppose it is all in the hope that I find someone that can “keep me faithful”…that phrase sounds horrible but if you have ever been unfaithful, it makes a lot of sense.

Loyalty- Really goes along with that being faithful business, which I’m not an expert on, but still I find it attractive.

Comfort-Everyone says that they can be themselves with certain people…or rather that you should always be yourself but I am looking more the pick your nose, scratch your butt, burp, sing, dance, cry to, and do whatever in front of kind that isn’t even phased.

Is it weird that I find the qualities that I lack to be sooo attractive? Hmm, I’m sure someone is thinking opposites attract, but I don’t believe that. I don’t want opposite. I want the same but better.


February 5, 2009 at 3:38 am Leave a comment

Through your eyes?

I was laying in bed unable to close my eyelids. I was thinking about my week and mostly the people in my life. I paused a gave some people more though than others, when it hit me…what if they are thinking about me?

Have I made such an impact on anyone to keep them awake?

I’m I in someone’s thoughts right off their sleep tooth and nail with what they want me to be or with what I am?

February 5, 2009 at 3:26 am Leave a comment

acting my age

  1. I’m single.
  2. I’m okay.
  3. I’m proud.
  4. I’m not an open book.
  5. I’m loud.
  6. I’m a liar.
  7. I’m honest.
  8. I’m not trusting.
  9. I’m skeptical of most things.
  10. I’m not a morning person.
  11. I’m a dancer though and though.
  12. I’m dependable.
  13. I’m fair.
  14. I’m better at acting that you would expect.
  15. I’m a traveler by nature.
  16. I’m a college senior.
  17. I’m a good student.
  18. I’m an outside person.
  19. I’m not a singer.
  20. I’m observant.
  21. I’m not one to talk about how I feel.
  22. I’m always making an effort to appear happy.
  23. I’m horrible with technology.
  24. I’m a photographer in my own mind.
  25. I’m waiting for something to happen.
  26. I’m not a t.v. watcher.
  27. I’m a movie addict.
  28. I’m a milk drinker.
  29. I’m a horseback rider.
  30. I’m in love with my blackberry.
  31. I’m on flickr.
  32. I’m still a roller skater.
  33. I’m not easily embarrassed.
  34. I’m a blogger.
  35. I’m twenty-one.
  36. I’m fascinated with textures.
  37. I’m taking yoga classes.
  38. I’m bad at accounting.
  39. I’m attracted to plaid underwear.
  40. I’m messy.
  41. I’m stuck on biscuits.
  42. I’m reading a horrible novel.
  43. I’m incapable of stopping in the middle of a movie or book.
  44. I’m a cat person.
  45. I’m enthusiastic by nature.
  46. I’m grossed out by feet.
  47. I’m not very good at the whole make-up concept.
  48. I’m barefoot whenever possible.
  49. I’m always thirsty.
  50. I’m constantly looking for something I lost.

January 24, 2009 at 4:06 pm Leave a comment

College Apartment Living

As a college senior, I have liven on campus every day of my college career:

Two years in traditional dorms, One year in a 4 bedroom 2 bath apartment on campus with three female room mates (only one of which I knew), and currently in a 4 bedroom 4 bath apartment on campus with three female roommates (only one of which I know).

Dorm living is a priceless experience that is a must for all college students, hands down.

Both apartment I have lived in are located at the heart of campus and only students live in them. The Buildings are Co-ed but as I have said I have only lived in rooms with females.

I want to give a little insight to apartment campus living. My first idea was to do a pros/cons list, but I thought maybe just the facts would be more beneficial to readers…

  1. It is impossible not to make awesome friends, and lasting relationships.
  2. You will meet people more intolerable than you have ever imagined.
  3. Privacy exists only in your head.
  4. Writing your name on your stuff mean nothing..take that back it sometimes is a reference to who you have pissed off by taking it or breaking it.
  5. Don’t loan anything that you wouldn’t give away. That’s right sell your text books don’t loan them.
  6. The words “maybe” and “whatever” as a response to questions means “yes” all of the time.
  7. You will hate your roommate’s significant other…you must it is like a law of nature…Don’t worry the favor will be returned.
  8. Girls cry more often than not during the time you are trying to fall asleep.
  9. The room/apartment will never be a comfortable temperature…you may get the joy or living with a thermostat Nazi, the kids that never got to touch the thermostat at home can’t keep their hands off of it.
  10. Ground/First floor is the most dangerous and unsafe floor of the bunch…example: break ins
  11. Your parents should not visit.
  12. Lock your door…yeah your new bff does steal.
  13. the shower floor is never safe/clean….ehh bleach may help a little
  14. The people upstairs will bowl at night and your neighbor listens to rap at unreasonable hours at deafening volume.
  15. Roommates will leave their alarm clocks on after they leave for the weekend or holiday.
  16. Your alarm clock will stop working for whatever reason during finals week.
  17. Wear shoes when outside apartment…beer comes in glass…be careful.
  18. Sticky stuff is everywhere trust me and don’t smell it.
  19. Fire alarms are a way of life.
  20. the furniture stinks
  21. Everyone will want to do laundry at the same time.
  22. The drier is like an extension of your roommate’s closet so they will just leave their clothes in there for you to handle.
  23. Clothes will disappear.
  24. Food is always fair game…like a contest of holding out to see who can wait the longest before grocery shopping.
  25. You will get locked out of the room only when your roommates are not home.
  26. Windows are pointless we never open the blinds.

More someday….

December 11, 2008 at 12:51 am Leave a comment

Holiday Joy is Starting to Get to Me

Alright, We are two weeks into December and the Holiday season is in full swing. For the first time in my life the Holiday Season joy is really starting to get on my nerves. I don’t now why but apparently everyone, okay so not everyone but all my ex-boyfriends and guy friends have decided to catch the holiday cheer bug or whatever it is that is going around making everyone feel “emotional.”

So far, my most recent ex-boyfriend has chosen to tell me that as soon as I break up with my current boyfriend he will take me back in a flash. Which I could assume would be reassuring if I wasn’t thrilled with my current relationship. As a side note, let it be known that this is the ex-boyfriend that asked me while we were dating if he should continue to date me or if he should date a high school crush that recently showed interest instead…yeah I can really pick them.

Next in line would be the ex-boyfriend before the previously mentioned. This one chose to let me know that he would wait for me; like a until I was ready to go/come back to him sort of thing. He let me know that he would like to marry me to…view previous blog to read about my thoughts on marriage…

Lastly there is my best friend from high school that is fighting in Iraq, I only get to “talk” to him online. He let me know that he deeply regrets never dating me in high school. He let me know that he can’t wait to get back to the states to see me and for some reason he wants to cook for me, which I thought was odd.

Why is it when you are single everyone is okay with just being your friend, but as soon as you are happily dating they just can’t resist you?

I’m thinking this is just a result from the joyful holiday season that will past with the new year. It is up setting to have to turn down guys you consider a good friend because you know that it sucks, being turned down that is. I don’t feel like I’m leading anyone on, because everyone knows about my current relationship status.

Being desired after a high school experience of being undesirable is still weird to me. I suppose I should be flattered but instead it is frustrated having to upset and irritate my friends.

December 11, 2008 at 12:11 am Leave a comment

Miss. New Money

In just six months I will start my career and be making what I think is “real” money. I can’t wait but it is going to be an interesting experience. I will go from making no money and living off my summer money and my Mum to being independent almost instantly.

I’m starting to look at things in magazines and on the Internet and think, “just six more months before I can have it.” Whatever the ”it” may be. As of late the ”it” has been:

a new mac laptop, new camera lenses, a vacation to Ireland, a vacation to England, shoes, dresses

at my rate of dreaming I’m never going to actually save any money. I think that and then I realize I think that I can’t really even comprehend the amount of money that I am about to make. I’m thrilled with my career.

Everyone keeps asking me what my “new” boyfriend thinks about my career, but I honestly think he is just proud. I’ll keep my relationship for a separate blog post.

So close yet so far.

November 30, 2008 at 11:08 pm Leave a comment


One of the most important things I have learned in college is to organize and to manage my time wisely.

Every on the planet get the same number of hours in the day…how you work them is extremely important.

I remember as a freshman freaking out all the time about not having enough time. As a sophomore, I calmed down a lot. As a junior I realized that you can aways make time if something is important enough. I think as a senior I have finally really worked out how to work my time.

With my new insight: I think I would have started scheduled more on paper…scheduling through my phone is a new brilliant technique.

November 25, 2008 at 10:15 pm Leave a comment

Going to miss this place

The best thing about living on a college campus is the walk. The walk is the part that is easy to predict. Easy to feel cool since it portrayed on hundreds of movies.
Walking through the campus your surrounded by your choice or maybe your choices. Mistakes are unavoidable. People are unavoidable. You are part of the pack. Part of a whole, singled out as one.

November 25, 2008 at 8:32 pm Leave a comment

There They Stand

Bad news can attack many areas of ourselves. Bad news has the ability to attack our character, our feelings, our lives, our jobs, our relationships and any combination of the things that make us up.

Our own bad news is also a test on our relationships. We get to see who stands closer or who backs away. I’m so lucky in this time of my life to have a set of stepper uppers.

I’m continually interested by the was that others help you handle your individual stress. There is a sort of art to trying to understand the situations of others. There is an art to being more than just a good listener.

November 19, 2008 at 9:19 pm Leave a comment

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